What’s your name and where are you from?
My name is Dr. Cedric Wood. I am from Timmonsville SC, but I currently live in Atlanta, GA
1. What made you first decide to take a solo trip?
I first made a solo trip because my friends backed out and I couldn’t afford to alter my plans. I was hesitate at first but I made friends with the Airbnb host of the place I was staying . He further introduced me to his friends. I had the best experience ever and that was the pilot to my solo travel journey. Since that moment , I’ve traveled to over 30 countries solo and I loved every bit of it.
2. Traveling solo how much do you plan in advance and how much do you leave up to spontaneity?
The best part about traveling solo is that I can easily plan everything I want for my trips. I plan the accommodations, tours/sites to visit, and usually work from an itinerary that I’ve made prior. I never plan the restaurants because I like that planning to remain spontaneous depending on what I feel like eating that particular day.
3. Do you ever worry that it’ll be hard to get great photos (with yourself in them) while traveling solo?
Sometimes I worry about getting great photos if the weather report shows rain or if the weather is too hazy. Great photos allow me to cherish the memories of my travel adventures and that’s why it’s somewhat important to me. If somehow I can’t get the best photo, I settle for just a memory . I try not to let that small part of the journey affect my entire experience. I have found out many times that if I relax and take in the moment, then all great things will work out the way it should. Traveling shouldn’t be about worry but about full immersion in new cultures.
4. What advice would you give a future solo travelers who’s allowing their thoughts, fears and loneliness to stop them?
My advice first is to let you know “Your friends are not coming”. Schedule conflict, work obligations, or financial responsibilities make it hard sometimes for many people. Whatever is causing the anxiety and fear, I advise people to replace it. If the person likes to always have someone to talk to, then I tell them to face their fears and talk to that passenger sitting next to them on the plane or exchange words with a person who is apart of their tour group. By starting slow, this will open up their fears and have them soon fully engaged in conversations with total strangers and making long distance friendships that will last a lifetime.
5. Which country holds the top spot on your travel bucket list? And why?
Switzerland holds a special spot on my bucket list because of its beauty. It’s fairytale settings is untouched. While I was traveling through the Swiss alps one day, it felt like I was in a movie. My mouth was completely dropped in awe of how amazing Switzerland really was.
6. If you could travel anywhere for free, where would you be right now and why?
If I could travel anywhere free then it will definitely be Antarctica or The Maldives. First , I chose those placed because they are really expensive but is on my bucket list. I’ve had goals of visiting every continent and Antarctica will complete that mission for me. The Maldives seems like such a romantic and beautiful destination and I have goals of staying in an over the water bungalow. The best bungalows in my opinion are in the Maldives and I am determined to get there one day.
Interview By: Rahiem Johnson